About Me and Intro to Multicultural Literature.

Hi there. :) Thank you for taking the time to read my blog entries for Multicultural Literature! My name is Charisma Carter-Graham. I am a twenty-year-old, incoming senior at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ. I am pursuing a degree in Secondary Education with an emphasis in English. I am the youngest of four children, but my mom raised seven children altogether, including some of my siblings’ childhood friends. I was born with cerebral palsy. This limited my movement and balance substantially in some things, because of this literature had profound influence on me and my childhood. It allowed me to imagine in depth what skiing would like, or what it would be like to be a world-class spy. I love literature and the effect that words can have on the human heart. Literature, if done well, can bring a person to tears, make them laugh, make them feel sorrow and even make the reader feel heartbreak or love. This blog was created for ENG-355: Intro to Multicultural Literature. Multicul...