Final Blog Post and Farewell!

What are some things that are expected “rules” and “roles” within society? How do these roles and rules shape us and the way we think and interact with people and how we view others and ourselves? The story Girl by Jamaica Kincaid is an interesting example of the role and rules that a woman is supposed to follow within the culture of Antigua . However, this story is set up in a way that allows for many, if not the majority of women, to relate to it. The terms and phrases used in it such as “don’t talk to that boy” or the derogatory name “slut”, are a fairly common theme around the world. I would have the students analyze the authors choice of words, tone and imagery. How does the tone make the reader feel? How do the word choices affect the reading and connotations of the story? How does the imagery better depict the author’s meaning and purpose? I found this list of questions to generate discussion about Girl, which would be good to use during either individual work or group work:...